keep it real2023023@hideagiftshideagifts.comkeep it real2023Stay updated476570691141181295243209381347403419433451 60 / 104 / 142 08 396 / 490 296 452Connect’inSun & RainSummerKidsKeychainsPersonal & TravelHomeDrinkwareSports & OutdoorShoppingBagsWriteTechnologyTextileOfficeIndex© All rights reserved, 2023Decide Tomorrow Todaykeep it realQUALITY AND RELIABILITYSUSTAINABILITYPRODUCT CERTIFICATIONWe consider sustainable development a strategic objective to help achieve balanced economic growth, social welfare and environmental preservation. We are therefore committed to developing reliable products that meet your expectations. We value the talent and potential of our employees, seeking opportunities to stimulate their professional development and the balance between their personal and professional lives. We adopt the best practices to reduce the environmental impact of our activity, working towards the sustainable coexistence of industry and the environment. Certified products are identified in the catalogue as FSC™.Our products are subject to strict quality control, carried out at different stages of their manufacture, ensuring their quality and safety in use. We act in compliance with the legislation and rules of the places in which we operate and our suppliers are selected carefully. The company is certified and audited periodically by external entities to ensure its alignment with the standards adopted.The offer of this catalogue has been selected and designed according to the applicable European standards and rules and subjected to tests, carried out by specialised and independent international entities. The products presented in this catalogue comply with European Union regulations. Information on the respective certificates can be found on the website www.hideagifts.comTogether we can make a difference and the time is now. Recycling, where the principle is that the end of one product is the beginning of another and that each one of us can start this cycle. Reuse, to which we can contribute by avoiding the purchase of single-use products. Responsible consumption, which we can practice by avoiding the purchase of products made of harmful materials, of doubtful origin or in excessive quantities.It is a logic of changing attitudes towards a more sustainable life. At its base there are 3 fundamentals to consider in any choice:Focused on the illustration of a new reality where products and nature merge in a symbiotic coexistence, we keep the best of us in a collection that brings together a sustainable mindset and the care for our clients.OUR COMMITMENT IS WITH YOU!This catalogue is the property of Paul Stricker SA, and the contents refer to products marketed by it.SNDEDBSTISUBSRCLASSCRTRSLSRFIRDTGTRD04Quality customisation servicesPrinting of the logo through sandblast against a surface at high speed.SANDBLASTINGTechnique that allows customisation on different types of fabric with great quality and perfection.EMBROIDERYPrinting stickers on white, silver or gold paper with a great variety of sizes and shapes.STICKERSPrinting a logo on a paper using a printer with sublimation inks. The ink is transferred to the product by pressure and heat.SUBLIMATIONCIRCULAR SCREEN PRINTINGProcess identical to screen printing but orientated for printing on circular products, such as ball pens.Use of a high precision laser beam optimised for application on curved surfaces.CIRCULAR LASERPrinting a logo on a photolitho, which is passed onto a wired screen using ultraviolet light. The ink is applied using a squeegee and must be dried.SCREEN PRINTINGPrinting the logo onto paper through a screen, which is then applied to the product using pressure and heat. Recommended for non-flat products such as backpacks.TRANSFERUse of a high precision laser beam, allowing for an engraving in bas-relief. This laser can be fibre optic, suitable for metals, or CO2, suitable for wood or cork.LASERThe logo is placed on the product through the transfer technique using special inks. The product is then placed in an oven (firing) to be baked at low temperature (personalisation up to 10 colours) or at high temperature (personalisation in black and/or white).FIRINGThe logo is printed directly from a printer onto paper, which is then applied using pressure and heat. Full color printing is possible.DIRECT TO GARMENTDigital printing technique for 100% cotton textile products. The logo is placed directly onto the fabric through a printer.Recommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsCottonFabricFabricFabricRecycled leatherRecycled leatherPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperPP; ABS; PVC; AcrylicPP; ABS; PVC; AcrylicPP; ABS; PVC; AcrylicRecycled leatherRecycled leatherSiliconeSiliconeImitation leatherImitation leatherImitation leatherImitation leatherPUPUGlassGlassGlassGlassGlassCorkCorkCorkCorkCorkCorkMetalMetalMetalMetalMetalMetalMetalCeramics; PorcelainCeramics; PorcelainCeramics; PorcelainWoodWoodWoodWoodDIGITAL TRANSFERUVCHDGDUVDGLPDPDOMTXPHTS05Digital UV printing applied to cylindrical and conical objects around their entire circumference.CIRCULAR UVSpraying organic colours on the external surface of white porcelain mugs. After baking, the mug is ready for other printing techniques, such as firing or sandblasting.HYDROGLAZEPrinting of the logo in a machine similar to a cartridge printer on flat or slightly curved materials. The drying is done through ultraviolet light.DIGITAL UVDigital printing consists of printing paper, with photographic quality. This technique is widely used for labels or pins.DIGITAL PRINTINGIdeal technique for small objects and curved shapes, as the transfer of ink is made through a silicone pad that adapts to them.PAD PRINTINGApplication of a layer of resin (epoxy) on printed paper. The product must be dried at high temperature to form a protective and resistant layer giving it a 3D effect.DOMINGProcess identical to screen printing but orientated for printing on large format textile products.TEXTILE SCREEN PRINTINGReproduction of logos through a hot press on leather products or imitation leather. A metallic colour (gold or silver) can also be applied on the mould.HOT STAMPINGRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsRecommended materialsFabricPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperPP; ABS; PVC; AcrylicPP; ABS; PVC; AcrylicPP; ABS; PVC; AcrylicPP; ABS; PVC; AcrylicRecycled leatherSiliconeSiliconeSiliconeImitation leatherLeatherImitation leatherPUPUPUPUGlassGlassGlassGlassCorkCorkMetalMetalMetalMetalWoodWoodWoodHow to read our descriptionsCeramics; PorcelainArticle referenceProduct description 41 x 60 x 23 mm #PDP - 20 x 10 mmName —Product dimensionsRecommended technique + maximum dimensionCustomisation on requestkeep it realTechnologyNext >